Affiliated to the University of Calicut, Recognised by NCTE

Olarikkara, Thrissur, Kerala- 680012, 0487 2363044

Olarikkara, Thrissur, Kerala- 680012, 0487 2363044


This is a forum  of interested academics and student-teachers to improve their overall language proficiency with special emphasis to English.  Strategies shall be adopted for the improvement of different language skills.  Seminars, Lectures, courses on pronounciation etc. shall be organised.



‘Navlish Arena’ is a language forum particularly designed to develop a close acquitance with English langualge among student teachers of Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women.  The name Navlish is coined from two words “Nav” from “Navajyothi” and “lish” from English. 

The main objective of Navlish is to foster LSRW, the four skills of English Language in the blooming teachers of Navajyothi Ciollege.  The forum also intends to instil a taste for English language and literature by empoyoing variety of tasks and programmes.  In addition to the constant individual tasks amoung the teacher students, the forum organizes a well structured official sessions once in every month adhering the main objectives of language forum.  The forum has representatives from every optional subject keeping an aim to access the potential benefits of the same.  The members of Navlish Arena deligently work to bring the maximum output and boost every student teacher to scale up the true potential in them.