Affiliated to the University of Calicut, Recognised by NCTE

Olarikkara, Thrissur, Kerala- 680012, 0487 2363044

Olarikkara, Thrissur, Kerala- 680012, 0487 2363044



(Grievance Redressal system should be explained in nut shell to students on course inauguration day and to parents in first GTA general body meeting. The entire procedure, details of NGRC members and different forms should be displayed in institution website and updated continuously)

Whatever the management and staff may do for the well being and welfare and upliftment of students, there may be some grievance from the part of the students. It may be due to their misunderstanding or difference in their view point or unnoticed Issues from the part of the institution. Navajyothti College of Teacher Education for Women, Olarikkara always welcome all complaints and suggestions from students to achieve the vision and mission of the institution at the closest level.

The expected grievance areas are Teaching-Learning process, Staff & students misbehaviour, infrastructural facilities, working of library, lab etc., Examination system, organization and implementation of various activities to fulfill the goals of the institution, ragging.

The grievance may report written or online. It can be anonymous or with the details of the student. Also it may be individual or group grievance. Anonymous complaints will be considered for redressal at the lowest level.

The grievance Redressal system:

Students who feel some difficulty, can discuss the matter with the students union or the Mentor. Only those problems that not solved in other

ways, can bring to NGRC (Navajyothi Grievance Readdressal Cell). In this case, the issue will be recorded in the complaint book maintained by NGRC. If a complaint is registered in NGRC,the convenor of NGRC will convene a meeting of NGRC members to discuss the matter at the earliest (same day or next day of registering complaint). Preliminary decision will be taken by the committee unanimously or on the basis of

majority. On the same day or next day, the committee will hear the complaint directly from the appicat(s). Decision will be taken with a student centred way and action will be taken accordingly. Principal will be responsible authority to implement the NGRC decision and intimating the same to the diseased. All the process should be completed in 7 working days. The decision of NGRC will be final. If the student(s) is not satisfied with NGRC decision, he can move complaint to University.

NGRC Members:

  1. Principal (Name, e-mail, Phone No. (calling, SMS and whatsapp or telegram))
  1. Management Representative
  1. GTA President
  1. Staff Adviser
  1. Staff Secretary
  1. Librarian
  1. Student council Chairperson
  1. Student council Secretary
  1. Office superintendent

The quorum for the meeting will be 6. (all members should give details as given for principal, all should be working on the date)

Note: The complaint will be received by NGRC convenor and handed over to Principal. Complaint will be registered in NGRC register by convenor and acknowledgement will be given on the spot. If no action is taken for 7 working days, the student can meet any of the NGRC members for redressal.

Form for Grevance Reporting

Name of the Student                                                                       :

Class Number                                                                                  :

Optional subject                                                                               :

Year(s) of study in NCTEW, Olrikkara                 :

Name of Class Teacher during issue                  :

Issue related to                                              : Staff/Academic activities/ Assessment/facilities/others

Nature of issue                                 : individual/group/all students Discussed the problem with class prefect : YES/No

Discussed the problem with class teacher : Yes/No Discussed the problem with Principal : Yes/No Briefly describe the issue:

Your suggestion for solving the issue (if any): Signature with date      :

Date of registration of complaint (office use):

Signature with date of the person receiving complaint:

Principal’s Signature with date                             :


A Complaint has been received from ……………………… (name of student/ students representative) on ………………. related to

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                                                                                             (brief description of the issue) and the same is registered in NGRC register as issue No. …… on page No. ……

Signature of the Grievant:

Name and signature of Staff Adviser with date:

Format of NGRC Register










description of the issue



of staff


Date of


of the issue, student signat ure


NGRC CONVENOR 2021-22 GOPISH A.G. Asst. Professor

Ph. 9946944095,